Sir John Whittingdale met GPs and staff at the Longfield Medical Centre to discuss primary care provision in Maldon and the difficulties patients have experienced in obtaining appointments. Also at the meeting were Dr Brian Balmer and Dr James Booth of the Essex Local Medical Committee and Dan Doherty of Director NHS Alliance for Mid Essex.
Sir John said: “I was pleased to have the opportunity to discuss with the Practice the pressures on GPs both nationally and specifically in Maldon. I recognise the problems of recruiting and retaining GPs which is a national problem but which has been especially acute in Maldon. There are 65 more full-time equivalent GPs in Mid and South Essex than 4 years ago and the new medical school in Chelmsford is training more. However, the steady increase in demand and expectations on GPs is making it harder to keep them in primary care in the NHS and I will raise this with the Minister for Health.
I understand the frustration felt by my constituents at the difficulties they have experienced in obtaining an appointment with a doctor and in using the new Patchs appointments system. However, I am concerned to learn that some members of staff have been subjected to unacceptable abuse. I am very much aware that with 17,000 patients on the Practice list, there are huge pressures on the staff which they are working hard to meet and any abuse is totally unacceptable. I understand that the Patchs system has made it possible to make more appointments available and I very much welcome the further changes to the booking system which have just been announced. I hope that the daily release of more appointments at 1.00pm each day as well as the ability for those without internet access to book through reception will make it easier for those needing an appointment to obtain one.”
Pictured below are Partners, Dr Ben Brazier and Dr Atul Lotlikar, Practice Manger Sophie Matthews, PA to the Partners Danielle Poole and Patients Group Representative, Lister Firkins.

Below is the notice from the Practice of Changes to the Appointments System.